We also spent a lot of time together through work, naturally. She taught me a lot about the world of Education and made sure that I had a fun working environment. A few times every year we go to a soup kitchen in downtown DC and feed the homeless. This was my very first time at S.O.M.E (So others might eat)

Eric and Gretchen moved to Alabama around this time last year. Right before she left she was at the point in her life where she was ready to stop working a be a mom. She and Erick were just waiting for their wishes and timing to align. Almost instantly after she moved to Alabama she became PREGNANT!!!!

She was hysterical with her phone conversations and her posts through her blog and on facebook about her irrational fears. I told her to throw out those creepy books and get a new doctor. :) Her husband Erick, also made for good conversation because he was constantly eating and complaining of sympathy pains. Yesterday at 1:01 pm little Elise Alexandria Clayson finally made her grand entrance. She is 7 lbs and 3oz (or 13 the posts on her fb are conflicting :)) and she is 20 in long.
We have all waited for you for such a long time Elise, but your mommy has been dreaming of you her whole life.
I am so happy for the Clayson family!!! another one to add to the brood!! :)

Now the fun begins... :)