While we were living at Bolling Nic didn't want to really settle because we were always being told that we were moving soon. Well soon for the Air Force was two year and we barely unpacked just before we moved here so I was determined to move in and plant roots hard and fast and actually live in this house. This is a picture of our living room. Nic has painted in the past but I have never done anything like it. Picking the color was paralyzingly difficult in the beginning but eventually I noticed a pillow in my living room that I love and based the colors off of the pillow. We are not completely finished but this is our first attempt at painting and personalizing this home as a family.
We are really loving it here. Travis is perfect fit for us right now. Nic loves his job, it's super fast pace and deals with life or death situations daily so he enjoys the challenges and the adrenaline rushes, it's so perfect for him. I am currently working towards achieving my bachelor's degree in baking and pastry arts from the Arts Institute of California Sacramento. It is very challenging but I am enjoying it very much.
I won't wait another 8 months to make a post. :)