We have recently encountered problems with Nic's retraining process in regards to him moving on to his phase two and essentially relocating. The clinic here has been careless with his case since the beginning and has made this entire process beyond difficult. When he was being med boarded there was a code that was put on his MPF (military personnel flight) profile that indicated that he was on a med hold. This code prevents you from being able to move about anywhere. You are not permitted to retrain or move, they cannot even generate orders for you while the code is still attached to your account. With that being said, once he was back from Texas the first time and he was returned to active duty status with no limitations he went to MPF and had the code lifted so that he could begin the retraining process and have orders generated to Texas for the tech school he is currently attending. Apparently once he was already in Texas the med group put the code back on his account. When I went to the office and asked why the only reason they gave me was carelessness. Seriously, this group of people here makes me cringe. I finally got the code lifted after a long week of back and forth and he has an assignment for his phase two everyone.

Nic has always wanted to live on the beach and is thoroughly excited about this next assignment. It is only for six weeks but he is stoked! Too bad the beach will be full of oil but you can't have everything you want in life right? :) It is actually kind of weird because we always kind of figured he would go to Eglin and talked about him going to Florida since the beginning. It's almost like we wished it into existence. Hopefully that really works because we have been talking about going to Travis AFB for a while now. :)

This is a picture of the hospital where he is going to get to begin the more serious portion of his training. As you can see, it is very nice. I am so happy for him, but more than that I am proud of him. He is kicking some serious medic butt. The two of us are complainers in a jesting kind of way. We like to joke about everything but in all seriousness we don't like to seriously complain about our situation because that doesn't help. I always tell Nic, " be the change you want to see in the world" - Ghandi and I am glad that he is going to help med groups all over the world be better than the one that has caused him so much grief.
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