Thursday, November 5, 2009

Afore Mentioned Surgery

So this is nana before her surgery.... Nic and Auntie Cherish before nana went into surgery. This is a picture of Dreamer, my Grandma Teri's horse. This is the last walk I took with my Grandma Teri up the trail to feed Dreamer. I didn't notice it then but I was making a memory and I'm sure glad I brought my camera.

Holguin Wedding

So while we were in California for nana's surgery we also attended a wedding for Nic's very good friend Rick Holguin. They enlisted in the Air Force together so we definitely had to be there for his wedding. He is a Southern California boy who married the cutest little Georgia Peach. I think they're great together and here's just a few shots from the wedding....

The bride and groom.... and Nic and me...

This is Nick and Breanna.... in case you don't remember Nick was a groomsman in my wedding. He and Nic have been good friends since high school.... oh and also Breanna and me...

so this is the suit that we were so worried about. Why they decided to put Nic in a khaki suit we will never know. But thank god she decided to give him the pink tie instead of the yellow one. he would have looked like he had jondus... but somehow he pulled it off and now the suit sits in the spare closet.... where it belongs.

Belated Mother's Day Post

Ok. So if you thought the last post was late well this one is so much worse. So last mother's day nic surprised me at work by sending me these gorgeous flowers. The Honor Guard was selling them as a fundraiser. I work with a lot of other Honor Guard wives who did not get flowers and they were rather jealous but I on the other hand was walking on cloud nine. ...
you know it's the times when i forget about it all that that man of mine catches me off guard and really comes through. i just love him.

Baby Eve

So I have this friend Ashley who lives on this base and she is so totally nice. She's the girl you kind of hate because she's freaking perfect. She is gorgeous and while she was 6 months pregnant she was still able to fit into her size zero!!! jeans. She's the nicest girl ever. Well she invited me to her baby shower and it was great. I don't get along with the other women here because they think I should stay home and have babies and because I do none of those I am excluded, mostly. Regardless I had a great time and I won a prize for knowing most celebrities babies names.... ok so when I'm bored I read Us weekly online... it's a guilty pleasure... a secret guilty pleasure. I never knew it would come in so handy and I would win candles for my quick memory recall. So anyway.... it was a very creative gift and I thought I would share few pictures of the gift.

ok.. and this is so freaking old that Ashley already had her baby... her name is Eve and she's beautiful.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Playing Catch-Up

So there is so much to tell....
This weekend I plan on arranging everything and uploading like crazy. So please just hold on a little longer.
Don't worry there is much to tell...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Manny Pedi

So.. After we bought the shoes I was worried about them hurting my feet at the wedding if I didn't break them in so I decided to wear them to work on Monday. Well that meant I needed a pedicure. I was going to go get one and then I decided to save some money by doing it myself. When Nic noticed that I was going to do it myself he insisted on painting my toe nails because he thinks that I get it everywhere. Well, it's hard to paint toe nails with short arms, short legs, and big boobs in the way. ulghk. Oh well anyway. He insisted on painting them because apparently he is superior.

Well I soaked, pumiced, pushed cuticles back, and filed. It was now his turn. He applied the base coat, then waited for it to dry. Now it was time for the color. He began with a slow hand, then he realized that toes were much more difficult than fingers due to their strange natural position. When the pinkey toe wants to touch the carpet all the time it creates a problem. He finished in time but it was slightly blotchy and, EVERYWHERE!!!
But I showed him how to clean it up with Q-Tips and nail polish remover. As we cleaned the pedi up he declared that toes need to be left to professionals.
Well, at least he tried right?

His One Gay Skill

My friend Leann always jokes that every man needs one gay skill. Her husband shops... and apparently so does mine.

Well. Nic and I were invited to a summer wedding in Santa Barbara, California. I realized that I had nothing to wear, naturally. So I asked Nic to go shopping with me because, well, while we live far away sometimes he has to be the girlfriend as well. So we walk in to New York and Company and I tell him what I'm looking for, a long floor length dress. We find the dress nearly immediately and then I pick two colors, one that is sort of aquamarine, and one that's more of a burned orange. He loves the blue, but then I try on the orange and he nearly fell over. He told me that he loved the color and gave reasons for it, such as my skin tone and the way it fit perfectly. I was amazed that he was so attentive. Then we went home with this in tow.

I then told him that I needed jewelery for the outfit. I told him that I wanted something seashell. So we went back to New York and Company and I found a few options. Once he looked at the rack he immediately points out the perfect set, necklace and bracelet. yay! I am ecstatic to have found them and he is just happy to be out of the store.
Next I explain that I need shoes because the dress is longer than expected. So I look solo for about two weekends on and off. This past Saturday we ate lunch and then decided that we were going to find some shoes. So he took me to Macy's . I searched high and low for bronze wedges and they were nowhere to be found. I was about to give up when Nic found the perfect pair of shoes. They weren't wedges but they completed the entire outfit. As I was contemplating the price, he showed me that they were 15% off. The price was still a bit high but then he was becoming impatient. He even offered to buy them himself just to get me out of the store. Ha

These are the shoes except mine are gold.

I took my completed outfit to show my neighbor Danielle and as I was laying the outfit out and explaining where and how much I realized that Nic had picked out this entire outfit. It was killer! I was totally taken aback as I discovered this. The man that is oh so manly.... too manly for most things dressed me for a wedding.
He still won't take all of the credit for fear of ridicule... but I know who chose the outfit. And it's gorgeous and I can't wait to put it all together for an ocean side, beach front, toes in the sand wedding.
I'm so proud!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

baby elephants

I opened my email this morning and I checked my mail. I always get these adorable emails from Lois that usually have to do with the appreciation of soldiers and I usually pass them on.
But this morning I opened this one up and I laughed so hard.
This is what it said.

I recently asked my friend's ten year old little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day.

Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her,' If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?'
She replied, 'I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.'
Her parents beamed.

'Wow! What a worthy goal.' I told her, 'But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I'll pay you $50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house.'

She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and out of the mouth of a babe asked, 'Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?'

I said, 'Welcome to the Republican Party.'
Her parents still aren't speaking to me.

Thanks Lois!

They should be ecstatic that their child figured out our economic problem without a degree or a pop culture fan base.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

a long, long time ago

my dad called me the weekend before last and asked me to sit at my computer while the images loaded. i explained to him that i was in fact beyond all reasonable doubt, cleaning and needed to go before i lost all desire. he begged me to wait and I'm sure glad I did because now I have reminders of my memories.

thanks dad!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Manly Men Don't Buy Makeup!!

So, it's the Saturday before Mother's Day and I realize that I have run out of makeup. I was planning to buy some more but we have somewhere to go. I summoned the courage to ask Nic to go to the BX to get me some more foundation. I realize that this is a risky situation, he'll probably throw a fit and get it wrong any way. But I ask. He sighs and then begins to become increasingly nervous. He asks questions repeatedly and begs me not to make him go. I tell him he doesn't have to I will just go, but we will be late. He sighs again and then grabs the empty bottle so that he can use it to reference and goes to the BX.

I get out of the shower and hear his feet pacing on the hardwood floors. I ask him if he got it for me and he goes on to tell this long drawn out story about how he couldn't find it and how it made him look stupid and how real manly men don't buy women's makeup and he shouldn't be expected to either.
He then hurriedly asks me to check the bag and see if he got the right one. I immediately notice that indeed he has purchased Revlon Color Stay number 180 Sand Beige. I squeal with gratitude and pride , but only on the inside. I look at him with a forlorn face, I tell him that it's the wrong color but I'm glad he tried. He looked so defeated. I then exclaimed my appreciation and hugged him tightly.
Nic is losing a little more of his manhood every day but somehow it brings a little sense of accomplishment to the both of us.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Today is a big day. Nic took his test for SSGT and it's my mom's BIRTHDAY!!!!
It's difficult to celebrate from afar but I found a way to get her something amazing all by myself.
Originally I thought that I would send her a little cake and a present and then I thought why don't I send her a cake that is her present?!

I decided on a round cake which limited me to ideas of boxes. I decided on a hat box with the support of nana and then I worked from there. I wanted something clean but flashy and obnoxious all at the same time. I worked with the ladies from Cake Divas in Culver City and they helped refine my idea.

From the idea that I gave them and the advice they gave me, this is the final product.

When she got it she called me she was ecstatic, which she should have been! That cake is freaking adorable. Well anyway, the gift took a lot of thought and a lot of finesse but it turned out perfect!
!Happy Birthday Mom!
I hope that you enjoy your day and everyone is jealous of you, as well they should be because...
Love you Mom!
it's your day... work it out!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

on his way to 4 stripes

It's that time of year again. Everyone got their test date a couple of weeks ago. Since then SRA haven't been able to get their heads out of the PDG. Nic has been listening to it on CD while he cleans the house, while he's in the car, EVERYWHERE!!!!

It would be great if he made it because then that would give him a better shot at staying in the Air Force. He would also be able to get the credit he deserves for running a peripheral. He would get a pay raise and he would be out ranking most of the troops in the Honor Guard. It's only 4 stripes but it's more than most because the bulk of the airmen come straight from high school to basic, then here.
So please everybody... cross those fingers, say those prayers and send those happy thoughts.
Good Luck Nic!!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

snip snip

we adopted penny and kingsley from this farm in the midle of nowhere virginia. they were underfed, mistreated, and they were very sick. they had fleas and worms. we took them home and bathed them, took them to the vet and now after a long perio of being sick they are healthy puppies.
penny went into heat early and unfortunately we had to let kingsley stay with a friend of ours who runs a doggy day care. he has been having the best time while we miss him.

we brought him home after the vet said it was a reasonable amount of time after she was done being in heat. unfortunately kingsley decided that she was still ready and they well... you know. .. mated. we had to let him go back to our friend vicky's while he awaited his appointment to be fixed.

well i called the vet today and they finally have a closer appointment. the two of them are getting fixed on MONDAY!!! that means that we finally have our little terror back.
we miss him so much.

but i have to say being with penny has been nice. having to spend time with both of them we never really got to see how sweet she really is. well i sure hope that she hasn't gotten too spoiled while he has been away because as nic so lovingly calls her...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The National Zoo!!!

yesterday we went to the zoo with blake, tanya and anika. it was typical dc weather, nice for about one minute and rainy before you know it. luckily it didn't rain until we were already there. we got to go through the whole park without any real disruptions. it was totally empty, which was ideal but there was just one thing... all of the animals looked super depressed. we were all theorizing that they were jealous of the animals that got sent to the la or san diego zoo. because it was raining only some animals were out, mostly the water animals. the pandas were asleep and the only animals that seemed spry were the birds and to be honest, who realy goes to the zoo to see the birds right? oh well. as requested i bought a camera and took pictures. so here's to you aunt cherish. my first blog post.

while we were there we saw two zebras who seemed to be "fighting" turns out they weren't and then nic and i promptly directed anika in another direction. it was "wild" haha.
the seals were sleeping on one another. the lion wouldn't stop roaring at the lioness on the other side. apparently she's in heat. wow. must be going around (penny) haha
the lady cheetah was super angry. all the time she just kept pacing. im sure she's crazy by now. she just keeps pacing.
the monkeys stunk and that was about it.
nic had been begging me to go and we haven't found the time and now we can both say that we went. we bought post cards so hopefully i will be able to send them soon.
love you all.
i plan to keep in touch