I get out of the shower and hear his feet pacing on the hardwood floors. I ask him if he got it for me and he goes on to tell this long drawn out story about how he couldn't find it and how it made him look stupid and how real manly men don't buy women's makeup and he shouldn't be expected to either.
He then hurriedly asks me to check the bag and see if he got the right one. I immediately notice that indeed he has purchased Revlon Color Stay number 180 Sand Beige. I squeal with gratitude and pride , but only on the inside. I look at him with a forlorn face, I tell him that it's the wrong color but I'm glad he tried. He looked so defeated. I then exclaimed my appreciation and hugged him tightly.
Nic is losing a little more of his manhood every day but somehow it brings a little sense of accomplishment to the both of us.
make him buy tampons next. that will really take away his manhood.
so we were in glamis and I started my period and of course didn't have anything in the motorhome.... I asked uncle jeff to go to the store and he was in his way when our friend came in and asked if we needed anything from the store... of course uncle jeff was now soooo excited because he didn't have to go and by my tampons.... After a few question of kind size and all that Dave was off to the store and back in a few minutes to save the week... thank goodness for men...