Tuesday, May 5, 2009

on his way to 4 stripes

It's that time of year again. Everyone got their test date a couple of weeks ago. Since then SRA haven't been able to get their heads out of the PDG. Nic has been listening to it on CD while he cleans the house, while he's in the car, EVERYWHERE!!!!

It would be great if he made it because then that would give him a better shot at staying in the Air Force. He would also be able to get the credit he deserves for running a peripheral. He would get a pay raise and he would be out ranking most of the troops in the Honor Guard. It's only 4 stripes but it's more than most because the bulk of the airmen come straight from high school to basic, then here.
So please everybody... cross those fingers, say those prayers and send those happy thoughts.
Good Luck Nic!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to Nic!! This must have been what you were typing so ferociously, huh? ;-)
